Statement on 2024 Presidential Election Results

November 6, 2024


Statement attributable to:
Bruce Siegel, MD, MPH
President and CEO
America’s Essential Hospitals

WASHINGTON — We stand ready to work with the new administration and Congress to strengthen health care for all people by protecting Medicaid and other programs that help working families and others stay well and productive.

Good health and the financial security affordable health care access brings are vital to a strong economy and healthy communities. Our hospitals provide that, as well as lifesaving services for entire communities, such as trauma and burn care, transplant services, and behavioral health. Essential hospitals are economic engines and often a community’s largest employer.

We appreciate President-elect Trump’s stated commitment to unity for the good of all Americans. We also commit to working with all stakeholders to preserve and enhance our hospitals’ indispensable role in their communities.

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About America’s Essential Hospitals
America’s Essential Hospitals is the leading association and champion for hospitals dedicated to equitable, high-quality care for all, including those who face social and financial barriers to care. Since 1981, America’s Essential Hospitals has advanced policies and programs that promote health, health care access, and equity. We support our more than 300 members with advocacy, policy development, research, education, and leadership development. Communities depend on essential hospitals for care across the continuum, health care workforce training, research, public health and health equity, and other services. Essential hospitals innovate and adapt to lead all of health care toward better outcomes and value.

Carl Graziano

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