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On the Hill: Year-end Funding Focus

December 10, 2024
Julia Grady

With government funding set to expire Dec. 20, lawmakers on Capitol Hill are working this week to negotiate a solution that would fund the federal government at least through mid-March and possibly beyond. 

America’s Essential Hospitals is vigorously advocating that Congress include in any funding agreement programs and legislation important to member hospitals. 

Also this week, the House Republican Steering Committee will meet to decide contested committee chairmanships, while the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee will convene to select ranking members for critical committees of jurisdiction. 

Medicaid DSH 

Stopping an $8 billion cut to Medicaid disproportionate share hospital funding on Jan. 1 is a top priority of action this week at a targeted Washington, D.C., fly-in of America’s Essential Hospitals members. At Federal Advocacy Assembly, Dec. 9 and 10, association members will visit congressional offices to urge lawmakers to delay or eliminate the $8 billion cut Jan. 1 and, ultimately, erase the full $24 billion in scheduled DSH cuts through fiscal year 2027. 

Committee Activity This Week 

The House and Senate are in session Monday through Thursday this week, with the latter also convening Friday. 

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