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Gage Awards Webinar Series: Social Medicine at San Francisco General Hospital

WEBINAR DATE: December 15, 2022

Participants learned how essential hospital Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (ZSFG), in San Francisco, reduced non-acute emergency department (ED) visits and inpatient days through its Social Medicine (SM) program. In collaboration with the University of California San Francisco, SM met patients’ psychosocial needs at the point of care.

Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital received a 2022 Gage Award Honorable Mention for Quality. America’s Essential Hospitals’ annual awards program recognizes member hospitals and health systems for their innovative initiatives to improve the quality of care and population health in their hospitals and out in the community.

The Gage Awards webinar series promotes 2022’s honored best practices and inventive programs to member organizations. Join us to engage directly with the program officers, ask questions, and gain exposure to innovative solutions.

More about this program »

Webinar Recording


Jack Chase, MD, FAAFP, FHM
Co-Director, Co-Chair, Ethics Committee
San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center

Hannah Lambalot
Program Associate
America’s Essential Hospitals


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