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Statement on HRSA Notice of 340B Registration Requirements for Offsite, Outpatient Hospital Facilities

October 26, 2023


Statement attributable to: 
Beth Feldpush, DrPH
Senior Vice President of Policy and Advocacy
America’s Essential Hospitals

We are disappointed that the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has reversed its position on the use of 340B Drug Pricing Program drugs at new clinics located in the community and offsite of hospitals’ main locations.

Offsite locations are critical parts of 340B hospitals’ ambulatory networks that expand hospitals’ reach into their underserved communities. HRSA’s 2020 guidance corrected a longstanding barrier to access by allowing hospitals to use 340B drugs at offsite outpatient locations as soon as they began serving patients. The reversal of this guidance will significantly harm essential hospitals and curb their ability to serve patients where they live and work.

We appreciate HRSA’s flexibility in allowing a transition period for locations opened before publication of the guidance, but the new notice will stifle essential hospitals’ ability to expand access to discounted drugs and other services through new locations in the future.

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About America’s Essential Hospitals
America’s Essential Hospitals is the leading association and champion for hospitals dedicated to equitable, high-quality care for all, including those who face social and financial barriers to care. Since 1981, America’s Essential Hospitals has advanced policies and programs that promote health, health care access, and equity. We support our more than 300 members with advocacy, policy development, research, education, and leadership development. Communities depend on essential hospitals for care across the continuum, health care workforce training, research, public health and health equity, and other services. Essential hospitals innovate and adapt to lead all of health care toward better outcomes and value.

Carl Graziano

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