Gage Awards Webinar Series – Keep Your Move in the Tube: Alternative to Standard Sternal Precautions

WEBINAR DATE: January 26, 2023

Participants heard how association member Memorial Healthcare System, in Hollywood, Fla., revolutionized care for open-heart surgery patients through “Keep Your Move in the Tube,” a mindful movement program that replaces traditional sternal precautions. They discovered how this program helped patients gain independence and reduced the need for post-acute care.

Memorial Healthcare System won a 2022 Gage Award for Quality. America’s Essential Hospitals’ annual awards program recognizes member hospitals and health systems for their innovative initiatives to improve the quality of care and population health in their hospitals and out in the community.

The Gage Awards webinar series promotes 2022’s honored best practices and inventive programs to member organizations. Join us to engage directly with the program officers, ask questions, and gain innovative solutions.

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Webinar Recording


Doctor of Physical Therapy
Supervisor for Rehabilitative Services
Inpatient Therapy Department
Memorial Regional Hospital

Susan Triano ClinScD, CCC-SLP, FACHE
Director of Rehab Services
Memorial Regional Hospital


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