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COVID-19 1135 Waiver Resources

Date PublishedSourceTitle/Link/Description
3/19/21StateUpdated Federal Disaster Resources: Approval of Section 1135 Flexibilities
1/12/21StateState of Minnesota Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Third Request)
12/23/20StateState of Massachusetts Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Fourth Request)
12/23/20StateState of Alaska Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Fifth Request)
12/18/20StateState of Kentucky Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Third Request)
12/18/20StateState of Nevada Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
12/9/20StateSection 1135 Wavier Flexibilities – Oregon Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Third Request)
12/2/20StateSection 1135 Waiver Flexibilities – Oregon Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Second Request)
11/25/20StateSection 1135 Waiver Flexibilities – Texas Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Initial Request)
11/5/20StateSection 1135 Waiver Flexibilities – Montana Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Third Request)
11/2/20StateSection 1135 Waiver Flexibilities – Minnesota Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Second Request)
10/29/20StateSection 1135 Flexibilities – Massachusetts Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Third and Fifth Request)
10/6/20StateState of New York Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
10/6/20StateState of Pennsylvania Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (March 24, 2020, Initial Communication)
9/30/20StateState of Texas Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Fourth Request)
9/21/20StateState of Michigan Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (April 1, 2020, Initial Communication)
9/16/20StateState of Oregon Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (April 17, 2020 COVID-19 1115 Application)
8/31/20StateState of Maryland Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Fourth Request)
8/31/20StateState of South Dakota Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
8/28/20StateState of North Carolina Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Request (Third Request)
8/21/20StateState of Connecticut Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Third Request)
8/20/20StateState of Oregon Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (April 17, 2020 COVID-19 1115 Application)
8/19/20StateState of New York Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
8/19/20StateState of Alaska Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Fourth Request)
8/19/20StateState of California Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
8/18/20StateState of Tennessee Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Third Request)
8/7/20StateState of Louisiana Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Second Request)
8/7/20StateState of Iowa Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Third Request)
8/4/20StateState of New York Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
7/31/20StateState of Maryland Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Third Request)
7/30/20StateState of Missouri Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Third and Fourth Request)
7/29/20StateState of Pennsylvania Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Third Request)
7/24/20StateState of Wyoming Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests (Second Request)
7/23/20StateState of Texas Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver (Second and Third Request)
7/9/20StateState of Arizona Federal Section 1135 Waiver Approval Request (Tenth Request)
7/7/20StateState of South Carolina Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Second Request)
7/1/20StateState of New Mexico Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests (Second Request)
6/26/20StateSection 1135 Waiver Flexibilities – New Hampshire Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Third Request)
6/26/20StateState of New Jersey Federal Approval of 1135 Waiver Request (Third Request)
6/23/20StateState of Montana Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
6/22/20StateState of New York Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver (March 23, 2020 Communication)
6/18/20StateState of Washington Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (March 15, 2020 Communication)
6/17/20StateState of Connecticut Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
6/16/20StateState of Colorado Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (First Request)
6/16/20StateState of Massachusetts Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Third Request)
6/15/20StateState of Alaska Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Third Request)
6/15/20StateState of New York Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (March 23, 2020 Communication)
6/15/20StateState of South Carolina Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (March 27, 2020 Communication)
6/12/20StateState of New Jersey Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Second and Third Request)
6/12/20StateState of Utah Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests 
6/9/20StateState of Tennessee Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Additional Approval)
6/9/20StateState of West Virginia Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Additional Approval)
6/9/20StateState of Pennsylvania Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Additional Approval)
6/9/20StateState of Delaware Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests (Second Request)
6/5/20StateState of Wisconsin Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
6/3/20StateSection 1135 Waiver Flexibilities – Alaska Coronavirus Disease 2019
6/1/20StateSection 1135 Waiver Flexibilities – Mississippi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Second Request)
6/1/20StateSection 1135 Waiver Flexibilities – Arizona Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Eighth Request)
5/28/20StateState of Alaska Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/28/20StateState of Ohio Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Initial and Third Communication)
5/28/20StateState of Vermont Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second and Third Request)
5/28/20StateState of Maine Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Third Request)
5/26/20StateState of New Hampshire Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/22/20StateState of Texas Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/22/20StateState of North Dakota Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/19/20StateState of Virginia Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
5/18/20StateState of Rhode Island Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Additional Requests)
5/14/20StateState of Georgia Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver (Second Request)
5/14/20StateState of Missouri Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
5/13/20StateState of Indiana Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests
5/12/20StateState of Connecticut Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
5/12/20StateState of Louisiana Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second and Third Requests)
5/8/20StateState of Minnesota Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/8/20StateState of Nebraska Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/8/20StateDistrict of Columbia Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/8/20StateState of Massachusetts Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/8/20StateState of Alabama Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/8/20StateState of Oregon Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request (Second Request)
5/8/20StateState of California Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests (Second Request)
5/6/20StateState of Arizona Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/6/20StateState of Washington Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/6/20StateState of Maryland Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
5/6/20StateState of New York Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests (Second Request)
4/22/20StateState of Ohio Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/14/20StatePuerto Rico Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests
4/14/20StateThe Commonwealth of the Northern Marina Islands Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests
4/10/20StateState of Utah Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/7/20StateThe United States Virgin Islands Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/7/20StateState of Maine Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/7/20StateState of Nevada Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/6/20StateState of Michigan Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/3/20StateDistrict of Columbia Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/2/20StateState of Arkansas Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/2/20StateState of Alaska Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/2/20StateState of Nebraska Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
4/1/20StateState of Georgia Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requirements
3/31/20StateState of Tennessee Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/31/20StateState of South Carolina Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/30/20StateState of Vermont Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/30/20StateState of Montana Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/30/20StateState of Texas Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/30/20StateState of West Virginia Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/27/20StateState of Delaware Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests
3/27/20StateState of Pennsylvania Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/27/20StateState of Connecticut Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/27/20StateState of Minnesota Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/27/20StateState of Wyoming Approval of Federal Section 1136 Wavier Requests
3/26/20StateState of New York Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/26/20StateState of Massachusetts Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/26/20StateState of Idaho Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/26/20StateState of Colorado Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/26/20StateState of Hawaii Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/26/20StateState of Maryland Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/25/20StateState of Iowa Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/25/20StateState of Indiana Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests
3/25/20StateState of Rhode Island Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/25/20StateState of Kansas Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/25/20StateState of Kentucky Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/25/20StateState of Missouri Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/25/20StateState of Oregon Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Request
3/24/20StateState of North Dakota Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/24/20StateState of South Dakota Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/24/20StateState of Oklahoma Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/23/20StateState of Virginia Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/23/20StateState of North Carolina Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/23/20StateState of New Mexico Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests
3/23/20StateState of New Jersey Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/23/20StateState of New Hampshire Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/23/20StateState of Mississippi Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests
3/23/20StateState of Louisiana Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/23/20StateState of Illinois Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests
3/23/20StateState of California Approval of Federal Section 1135 Wavier Requests
3/23/20StateState of Arizona Approval of Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/23/20StateState of Alabama Federal Section 1135 Waiver Requests
3/17/20StateNorth Carolina Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and HIPAA COVID-19 CMS 1135 Flexibilities
3/17/20StateRequest for Emergency Authorities to Support Arizona’s Response to COVID-19
3/17/20StateCMS Approves First State Request for 1135 Medicaid Waiver in Florida
3/16/20StateRequest for Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities Related to Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) National Emergency/Public Health Emergency
3/15/20StateRequest for Waivers Under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act (Washington State)

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